Cake Flanel

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Felt food patterns
Felt food patterns
fantastic toys - mushie mania

Cup Cake Flanel

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Baik, kita mulai saja, anda dapat mengikuti gambar dibawah untuk langkah demi langkah tutorial kerajinan flanel ini.


tutorial flanel cup cake

Potong sebuah kain flanel berbentuk lingkaran, dan jahit sehingga membentuk pola seperti gambar diatas.

Isikan bahan dakron dan buat agak “bantat” pola tersebut diatas, ini akan menjadi bagian atas dari Cup Cake Flanel yang akan kita buat.

Untuk bagian bawah cupcake flanel-nya, silahkan ikuti langkah berikut ini


Sekarang satukan kedua pola tersebut secara hati-hati dan jahit agar rapi dan bersatu

Felt Tutorial/Tutorial flanel


Donut and cake Felt

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Step by step DIY Felt chocolate sauce donut

I.   A warm afternoon, in the sunny window and enjoy the desserts in chocolate color who brought us a good mood.

1. Cut felt.                                                     2. Overlap rings, sew along the inner edge.

3. Put some cotton in while sewing along the outer edge.

4. Sew the dark brown piece on the donut.       5. ….
Make some French knots on the top of it.



 II.Felt Donut



III. Role Cake

by fairyfox Pro @ 2010-06-12 – 20:07:09

1. Cut felt.                                                    2. Embroidered the pattern.

3. Sew the strip as shown.                             4. Sew the side.

5. Put the cake on the shelf.

Click the following pictures you may visit my etsy shop, get the whole pattern and instructions for this cake truck house.











Free Felt icecream tutorial

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1. Cut a round felt.
2. Running stitch algong the curved outline.
3.Pull the thread taut. Stuff it with some cotton.
4. Cut a quarter circle for cone.

5. fold in half and sew along the edge.
6. Roll the cardboard into a cone and put it inside the felt cone.

7. Sew the icecream ball and cone together.

Felt Food

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How to make felt hamburger

1. Looking for a size suitable piece from the scraps.

2. Cut felt. Sew along the edges with overhand stitch to make leaf、tomato slice、 cheese、hamburger.

3. Overlap them and sew them together.         4. Make some French knots on brown disc.

5. Turn it over.Running stitch along the edge.  6. Put some cotton in it and pull thread taut.

7. Make another bun in the same way.            8. Sew them together as shown. It’s done.



How to make felt French fries
1. Overlap two pieces and sew as shown.       2. Embroidered the pattern.


3.Put some cotton in it.                                 4. Fold in half and sew the edges to make fries.

5. Make 6 pieces of fries and sew them together. Put them in the pouch and sew to fix.

How to make felt fruit drink

1. Embroidered the pattern on the cup wall.

2. Fold it in half and sew the edges together.    3. Sew the bottom.

4. Put some cotton in it, sew the top.              5.Roll felt piece up and sew as shown to make a straw.

 6.Sew the straw on the top.

How to make felt tray

1. Cut felt for tray. Put the cardboard on it.       2. Fold it in half and sew along the edge.

3. Sew the side edge as shown.                     4. The tray is done.

5. Put all parts on the tray. The lovely hamburger couse is finished.

Get more felt patterns,please visit fairyfox’s etsy shop.